How about “Teasing Your Muse—An Introduction to Creative Journaling” with instructor Donnalynn Chase. The workshop is set for Saturday, February 23 from 12:00noon to 2:30pm. The cost for members of Gualala Arts is $25; non-members, pay $30, plus a $7 materials fee. Register by calling the Art Center at (707) 884-1138. Register by February 16.
Creative Journaling promotes deeper self-awareness and personal satisfaction through self-expression. Creative (or visual) journaling goes beyond the symbols of words by using color, lines and images. Teasing your muse involves having fun with guided journaling exercises, reflection on your understanding of creativity, and practical “tools” to take home. This workshop is about exploring and expressing yourself creatively; not about a new art technique. People who have had, or have a journaling practice or who would like to begin to journal will enjoy this workshop.