Feel like getting in front of an audience? There’s “Intro to Improv Comedy”, an acting workshop with Jim Cole. The workshop group meets Wednesdays: March 6, 13, 20, 27, and April 3, 10, 17 & 24, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Gualala Arts Center. The cost is $80 for Members, $95 for non Members. Call (707) 884-1138 to sign up by March 1.
Learn the art of improvisation in a positive, supportive, and safe environment. Improv classes are a great way to improve public speaking skills, overcome shyness, meet new friends, and laugh out loud! This class will be the highlight of your week! Cole, who by nature is a born teacher who taught and coached at the high school level for 13 years, also performed with the San Ramon Comedy Club for 3 years. Dress comfortably and be prepared to laugh!