Ruth Thompson’s ‘fierce, gorgeous, sensual’ poems have been collected in three books of poetry: Crazing, Woman With Crows, and Here Along Cazenovia Creek. Her work has won many national awards, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and choreographed by Japanese dancer Shizuno Nasu.
At the Frog, Ruth will share a few poems from her two newest projects Whale Fall, which is both the changing ecosystem of the dead whale as it sinks slowly to the ocean floor and also a realm of transformation; and Journeying West, which tracks a woman hero’s spiritual journey through a western desert landscape. She'll also share a few favorites from her published books, followed by a short talk on “Generation & Revision” – tips for generating new work (or finding your way around resistance), as well as for revision of work that seems to be stalled. There will be time for questions, and a book signing.