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Treintona, Soltera y Fantástica. Spanish Language Film Series at Arena Theater

  • Arena Theater 214 Main Street Point Arena, CA, 95468 United States (map)

     Inés es una columnista de treinta y tantos años que termina con su novio. Abrazando su nueva independencia, es arrojada a una crisis existencial. ¿Qué debe ser y hacer una mujer soltera en sus treinta? En este éxito de taquilla mexicano, Inés vive los contratiempos cómicos e identificables de encontrarse atrapada entre la carrera y el reloj biológico, entre las presiones y los consejos de las personas que conoce. Quiere lograr el autodescubrimiento y, ojalá, un poco de amor también.

Treintona, Soltera y Fantástica (Thirtyish, single and fantastic).

Director: Chava Cartas Cast: Bárbara Mori, Jordi Mollà, Marimar Vega.  

Mexico. 2016. Runtime: 98 minutes.

     Inés is a columnist in her thirties who breaks up with her long-term boyfriend. Embracing her newfound independence, she's thrown into existential crisis. What is a single woman in her thirties supposed to do and be? In this Mexican box office hit, Inés is catapulted into the comic, recognizable mishaps that come with being caught between her career and her biological clock, between the pressure and advice being dished out by everyone she knows. It's a journey to find herself, and hopefully find love into the bargain.