The North Coast Photography Group has its first formal exhibit of work at Gualala Arts Center throughout the month of May. An opening reception will be held Friday, May 4, 5:00pm to 7:00pm. A no-host bar and appetizers will be served and viewers can meet the artists. Exhibit continues through May 27,
It was during 2003 that local photographers Craig Tooley and Bryant Hichwa thought it might be a good idea to form a group of like-minded individuals to discuss all aspects of their photography work. Shortly thereafter, the North Coast Photography Group was formed. For the last fifteen years, the NCPG has gathered together once a month to review each other’s photos and discuss various photography related issues ranging from lighting and composition to imaging software, technical gear, shooting locations, digital asset management, back-up solutions, and much more. Challenges are assigned each month with subject matter intended to engage and inspire all points of view.
This show includes works by Tooley (above) and Hichwa, Richard Custer, Pam Powell, Paula Ray Power, Chris Beach, Barry Weiss, Paul Brewer, Rozanne Rapozo, and Marilyn Green. Subject matter ranges from flowers and small mammals to vineyards, sunsets, photo collages, and beyond.
At monthly meetings, nature and wildlife dominate the subject matter, but all subjects and categories are welcome and enjoyed. (One member looks for letters of the alphabet formed by grasses, twigs, etc.). Anyone, regardless of skill level, is invited to attend meetings held on the first Sunday of every month at the Arts Center. Meetings start at 10 a.m. and are usually over by noon.
Members of the group have routinely submitted works to the annual Fine Arts exhibit of the Art in the Redwoods Festival in August, often winning the coveted “Most Favorite” entry and ribbons awarded in specific photography and art categories.
Many members travel within the United States and abroad in search of the perfect image. The goal of NCPG is to help improve all members’ photographic capability and experience by providing an active support group and an organized exchange of information